Artificial Intelligence has changed the game for hail forecasting.
Traditional hail forecasts provide day-ahead outlooks for hail which tend to be informative, but not actionable. Our AI models provide precise, hourly forecasts for hail, letting you know when and where to expect hail.
More Location Specific
Our forecasts have 3km resolution and update hourly, giving you the best knowledge of hail risk where it matters to you.
Greater Accuracy
Our AI models have been proven to predict more hail storms with fewer false alarms than traditional weather models.
Better Understanding of Risk
We provide probability ranges for every forecast, so you can make decisions that best fit your risk tolerance.
Built by experts from
For Insurance
Hail damage is on the rise. Our solutions put insurers in the driver's seat to mitigate its impact.
Reduce the risk of PIFs through advanced hail warnings to policyholders.
We pair our forecasts with an alerting system to reduce hail damage and improve loss ratios. In a survey of 1000 drivers in hail-prone states, respondents said 40% of auto hail claims would be avoided with advance hail alerts to help them protect their cars.
Improve customer satisfaction
Impress your customers with advanced warning of severe hail storms, automated check-ins afterwards, and faster claim resolutions.
Improve claims cycle times
Our forecasts tell you when and where to send your people to prepare for severe hail storms, and our high resolution hail storm data allows you to quickly verify hail damage to resolve claims faster.
Make superior hail forecasting work for you.
Our talented team of AI experts are available to customize solutions for your business needs and workflows. From APIs to summary dashboards, we are here to ensure you realize the full potential of our hail intelligence.
For Solar
Protect Solar Assets
With the most advanced wind, solar irradiance, and hail forecasts, know when and how to stow.
Identify at-risk sites hours in advance
Anticipate incipient storms that radar will miss
Use our state-of-the-art wind forecasts to determine which direction and angle to stow solar panels
Automate stow decisions with our severe hail alerting system
Increase energy production by avoiding stows when the coast is clear